Personal Portfolio

I began this project with a goal in mind to utilize original code without using website building platforms. This was to familiarize myself with front-end and back- development as well as website deployment. Currently this project is being deployed on the client side using gsap's animation suite as well as pure Javascript, HTML, and CSS. The server side is being handled with Apache Server on a server that I am hosting. The website is constantly being revised and edited to extend compatibility and responiveness to a wide array of devices and device types. Soon I will transition to using NGINX and deploy this website using Node.js.


For the 2023 Summer, I interned as Robotic Process Automation intern. In this role, I worked alongside the Global Automation Team to improve the metrics reporting of the automation bots in the production life cycle by designing an automated script that would conglomerate general bot performance information for better bot health insight. Additionally, I created a process that allowed business partners to interact with a front-end form to request bot relevant information to be automatically queried and sent off in real time. I accomplished these tasks through Automation Anywhere, MSSQL, and AARI.


Aleks Omega Engineering is a design and build engineering/construction firm. The owner of AO Engineering was attempting to widen the services that the company could offer by creating a proprietary real estate marketplace application, a bid tab prediction software, non-profit wesbite creation, and a propietary landscaping application. These were all projects that I led in both design and creation. For these projects, I utilized React Native, MSSQL, data science/ML knowledge, data structure knowledge (hash tables), Linux familiariaty, server maintenance proficiency, and in-depth knowledge in a myriad of languages (JavaScript, C++, Python).